I wish I had a few photographs of my best examples of this topic, but alas I am without. However, still droning on about the poor economy I want to say that there is little way to justify the prices of all things fashion these days. Thus I am stealing the campaign slogan about the environment and applying it to our wardrobes - it is time to ‘reduce, recycle, and reuse’. It’s time to get creative!
Lets admit it - we could all happily wear a new outfit everyday. Sick to death of looking at the same clothes in my closet but not eager to spend any money has forced me to come up with new combinations in an otherwise old wardrobe. You’d be surprised how chic some pieces you purchased three years ago still are; you’re probably just bored of seeing them hanging in your closet.
Reduce the amount of time you spend shopping. Recycle the items you already have by looking in the back of the closet at the clothes you swore you’d never touch again or by going through those old boxes of clothes. Reuse all your findings by pairing possibilities you never imagined together. I have faith that the inability to buy the trend of the moment will allow for individual style to resurface where it has been lost to our lust for labels.